Habbe Quwwati

The prevalence of adult problems has significantly increased over the past several decades as a result of smoking, alcoholism, increased consumption of processed foods, animal proteins, coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages. These bad lifestyle choices affect individual Beings. Habbe Quwatti provides nourishment and improves the overall strength of the system.

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Habbe Kuvvati is a Unani medicine to enhance sexual ability in men, 

- it removes absence of arousal in men,

- arouses complete enthusiasm, 

- it is a distinct medicine for men who have a lot of sexual weakness due to old age, 

- men who have lower power or lack of stamina, 

- it is also a suitable medicine for them, 

- it eliminates looseness in the penis, 

- brings hardness, removes public weakness, removes physical weakness.

It is advantageous for small appetite and a lack of sexual desire. It also removes the problem of premature ejaculation. It gives the entire system strength. Additionally, it is a helpful medication for patients who lack sexual desire because of emotional fatigue brought on by youthful masturbation. removes attention weakness and is helpful for issues like impotence.

It is also indicated in following health issues related to people like natural infirmity, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Tiredness and muscular weakness.

1 tab. to be taken with tepid cheese in the morning.

other medicines for increasing libido in men and to boost their pleasure include:-

Click on the name to learn more about the medicine


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